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2022 | 2023 Year Planner

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The year planner has been designed to lead you through the past year with a set of questions.

As you say thank you and goodbye to the previous year, it will start to warm up your thinking to what you want for this coming year. The second half of this workbook will ask a range of questions to help you dream and plan out your 2023, with a focus on how you want to feel, what you want to achieve, and for you to define what a good year really looks like for you. 

At the end of the workbook you will have a vision for the next year, a set of goals that you want to achieve or habits that you want to refine, and a guiding word to keep you pointing towards your true north star

The Year Planner is a free download, you will receive the planner in the following format - Digital Online Version.

You will get a PDF (20MB) file


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